Office Depot
As a member business, or employee of a member business, you can now take advantage of deep discounts on already low prices for both your business and personal purchases. Through group buying power, you have exclusive savings on all your office essentials, including: Office Supplies, Technology, Furniture, Digital Print Services, Coffee and Break Room Supplies.
The best part? These savings come with your membership – free of charge, to save you money! Get FREE delivery on orders of $50 or more, Copy paper and toner discounted 15% off of lowest “Retail” price found in-store and online, General supplies discounted 30% off of lowest “Retail” price found in-store and online, Take an additional 5% off lowest retail price both in-store and online for everything else you purchase. Maximize your chamber membership by registering for the Office Depot program or learn more about taking advantage of special savings on thousands of office products! Call or email the chamber office to get your business signed up today!
The best part? These savings come with your membership – free of charge, to save you money! Get FREE delivery on orders of $50 or more, Copy paper and toner discounted 15% off of lowest “Retail” price found in-store and online, General supplies discounted 30% off of lowest “Retail” price found in-store and online, Take an additional 5% off lowest retail price both in-store and online for everything else you purchase. Maximize your chamber membership by registering for the Office Depot program or learn more about taking advantage of special savings on thousands of office products! Call or email the chamber office to get your business signed up today!
H20 Score
The chamber is the official partner of this exciting program for Waukesha residents. By saving on their monthly water usage, utility customers earn points for redemption at local businesses. As a business owner, you decide what to offer, but get the added exposure of being highlighted in mailings and digital marketing for this program.
Want to sign your business up to start getting customers visiting you to redeem points? Call or email the chamber office and ask for details.
Want to sign your business up to start getting customers visiting you to redeem points? Call or email the chamber office and ask for details.
Central Office Systems
Enjoy up to 50% off your office machine costs with Corporate Premier Pricing as a chamber member. Increase your speed, add color, or just upgrade your system today. Free delivery, training, support, and network integration. Recycle your old unit too! Contact the chamber office for details!
Waukesha County Technical College - Small Business Center
One year of free membership is extended to new businesses whose owner/operator completes the WCTC Small Business Certificate Program. This series of eight courses are offered throughout the year, may be taken in any order, and provide a tremendous set of fundamental skills sure to improve the early success of any new or young business. For more details on the certificate program, call or email the chamber office.